We saw Dr. Magnussen today and she said, "Three more weeks of rest." We are now at 25 weeks 2 days, and she said babies born at this point do usually survive, but not without a lot of complications and/or help. She said babies born at 28+ weeks do a lot better, and so that was our goal right now. She told us that there is really nothing we can do to prevent prematurity other than rest, and she had no evidence that even rest works, but at least we know we are doing all that we can do. She also told us a little more about our last u/s where they said my cervix was dilated 1cm internally... basically my cervix is "nice and thick" still, but the fluid sack inside my womb is dipping down slightly into the canal from all of the pressure of the weight of the babies and the fluid I'm carrying. (I also asked HER if the kicking that the lower baby is doing to that area could have caused this and she flat out said, NO.) Theoretically, she says, this could cause me to begin to dilate and have contractions leading to preterm delivery. She followed by saying her gut is that we will be just fine, that we will not go into preterm labor from this, but that erring on the side of caution is wise. After which she reinforced that confidence with the fact that if she did feel real concern at this point she would have me admitted for hospital bed rest, but she didn't feel that was necessary. She also said every new day is a blessing and a victory. The closer we get to term the better, and that after 32 weeks I could go skydiving even if I wanted to (not literally).
Wednesday, July 23 (two weeks from this Wednesday), we will go to West Point for an u/s to check on things. We will have our tech from the hospital there to do the u/s and have the chance to video our little guys inside my womb. Hopefully I can post the video here. Then we will meet with Dr. Magnussen about the results.
Off to rest I go....
Hang in there, Momma. "Rest" is probably harder than some would think. I admire you for being able to do it! Take the time to write to your little guys. They'll want to read about this someday. Love ya'll!