Sunday, October 9, 2011

10 things I would tell someone about to have twins

ONE. It is possible.

Trying to imagine how on Earth things get done when you are going to have two babies at the same time can feel overwhelming. Please hear me when I say, IT IS POSSIBLE. You WILL be able to do all of the things you are worried about. Everything from affording to keep them in diapers to being able to nurture them equally are valid concerns but rest assured, it can be done!

TWO. No rest for the weary.

Get ready. Rest up while you can. You're in for a long run of sleepless days and nights. You've never known the tired you are about to experience. Fortunately, you simply forget what a full night's sleep is until one blessed day they decide to sleep through the night (that DOES happen eventually). Get your support system in place now. Someone (spouse, anyone) is going to need to be available how ever much they can to step in. Your babies will need you to get rest whenever you can. Your ONLY job at first can be to feed them, diaper them, and to sleep every moment you get the chance. Many twins ate every two hours at first. Consider: an hour and half of feeding, diapering, and getting back to sleep, which leaves only 30 minutes to do anything else — including try to nap while they are.

THREE. Get the right stroller.

A necessary MUST have if ever you plan to be independent with your children is the right stroller. There are tons of opinions on this but in my opinion the ONLY option is this: all terrain tires, side-by-side, fits through standard doorways, built to last (not sag and put them on top of each other in a few months), holds infants to preschoolers. Shop around a lot to find a good deal. Too many people see the price tag of the new strollers in this category and buy something else only to buy two or more strollers down the road because the one they bought doesn't hold up for the long haul. Strollers like this can be upwards of $600 or more, but you can find them on Ebay, Craigslist, and other outlet stores like Sierra Trading Post and REI. I cannot stress enough how much of a difference the right stroller can be to lessening the burden on your life when you have twin babies.

FOUR. Go for the convertible car seats.

The cute little seats that pop out and allow you to carry a baby here and there sounds great to every mother having a baby.... but not a realistic thing for mom's with twins in my opinion. The seats themselves weigh 20 to 35lbs each. Add on a diaper bag and two babies and you wont be walking too far with them on your own. Sure, they have the neat little carriages you can snap them on to, but you've got the awesome stroller listed above remember?! Don't waste your money. Get the convertible car seat. You have to spend maybe $20 more per seat, but you wont be in line at the check out counter in 6 months buying the next car seat with all the other new mommies. Your seats will last until your babies are ready for booster seats. My babies came home at 5lbs each, the necessary weight to leave the hospital, and their seats worked great.

FIVE. You don't need two of everything.

You only need two of these things to get you through the first several months: car seats, baby beds (though not at first, you only need two once they start moving around the crib), and cradle swings (that lay down and swing side to side – a blessed invention). That's it. Some things are nice to have two of, but you can get by easily with just one. I personally liked having two boppy pillows. You will want at least one bouncy seat for infants. You will also want a pack and play or a bassinet.

SIX. You need a plenty of backup for some things.

Swaddle blankets, burp cloths, diapers, feeding stuff (depending on your choice of nursing or bottling or both, this list is different), onsies or gowns or whatever you plan to dress them in most, diaper wipes, crib sheets, and quick changes of easily laundered clothes for you (for when little darlings spit up on you or pee on you or whatever).

SEVEN. Read up now.

Read up on the first 6 months of a babies development now while you have time. Be knowledgeable before they arrive so you feel a little more informed... but be warned, evey baby is different. Even the two you bring home will be different from one another. Try hard not to compare them against one another in their development.

EIGHT. Meet your Pediatrician.

Go meet your Pediatrician in advance and ask any questions that are on your mind. Go ahead and fill out all their paperwork for new patients. One less thing to do later, and a good relationship to have already established.

NINE. Be ready.

Twins often come early. Sometimes you are required to get off your feet. A safe window is to have your bags packed for the hospital, the important part of your nursery complete (complete with the important stuff! Don't fret if you aren't done decorating), and car seats purchased by the end of five months into your pregnancy.

TEN. Be joyful.

Having twins is a blessing. They are going to make you wonder how boring life must be without two at the same time. They are going to make you say how boring your life was before them. Be happy, not fearful. Be joyful, not worried.

My boys are 14 months old today and I am so amazed at how everything fell into place and has worked out through all of the ups an downs and round-and-rounds. All the planning, worry and curiosity.. all the work, all the joy... my boys are so incredible and life is better now with them in it.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I was just thinking about you and your twins yesterday. And I agree on the carseat thing, and I just had one baby! Great advice. I'm sure other twin-having moms appreciate the positive.
