Monday, October 25, 2010

2 months

the boys are now well into their second month, and are growing like weeds! everyday they grow into and out of things. i have to recycle their clothing baskets weekly now. when we went to our 2month doctor appointment, the boys got their first batch of immunizations. both guys measured 22.5" long! Graham weighed in at 9lb14oz and August was 9lb10.8oz. HOWEVER, a week later at the health department, Graham weighed 10lb14oz, and August was 10lb12oz... so somewhere in the ballpark of 10lbs, depending on whose scale you trust more!

we are supplementing their feedings with some formula these days. we're even adding a little rice cereal to some of them in an effort to fill them up. they are CONSTANT eaters! which is good. they're growing.


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